Featured Events at Demosplash 2023

Event planning for Demosplash 2023 is ongoing, and this page will be updated as featured events are scheduled.

Talks and Workshops

Come to hear engaging discussions on topics across the demoscene.

Headline Musical Performance - DRAC-0

Presenter: DRAC-0
DRAC-0, aka Dracorean, is an incredible chiptune DJ best known for spinning high-energy shows in VR raves. Her style mixes classic oldschool chiptunes, remixes, chiptune-style EDM, and retro visuals for intense unforgettable experiences. We're honored to welcome her to the Demosplash stage for one of her first - and not to be missed - live in-person performances!

Emulation of Fujitsu Home Computers

Presenter: Soji Yamakawa
This talk will cover the latest updates in FM TOWNS Emulator Tsugaru and FM-7/77AV Emulator Mutsu. FM TOWNS Emulator Tsugaru now can run more than 97% of commercial software titles based on test reports from users. Although the primary purpose of Tsugaru is to run FM TOWNS OS, the emulator supports Windows 3.1 since early 2023. Since the Windows 3.1 kernel is pre-emptive (although applications were cooperative), and the technical documentation of deep inside the kernel were hard to find, it required substantial reverse engineering. The primary purpose of FM-7/77AV Emulator Mutsu was to run games released for FM-7 and 77AV series without modifying a single byte of the code by adequately replicating known copy protections. Mutsu is now able to replicate all copy protections to my knowledge. The focus is shifting to the method for creating disk images with all necessary information including copy protection.

Computer Sound: An Exploration of Sound Hardware

Presenter: Keith Bare
The sound capabilities of home computers have changed dramatically since they first became available in the late 70s. Early solutions simply abused I/O functionality to generate audio, usually with lackluster results. This was improved by adding dedicated hardware to handle sound production: first simple programmable sound generators, then various synthesizer technologies, and finally DACs capable of outputting CD-quality audio. Over time, a vibrant ecosystem of third party manufacturers have produced all these types of sound hardware for IBM PC derivatives. Join us as we explore their differences and listen to some classic PC game music and sound effects live, utilizing Demosplash's extensive collection of real hardware.

Demoscene Fun

Come celebrate the spirit of the Demoscene with live screenings and competitions.

Live Demo Screenings

Throughout the weekend, we'll be offering live showings of demos running on real machines, old and new, from the CMU Computer Club's large collection -- Amiga, Atari, Commodore, PC, you name it! We'll be showing both eternal classics and recent releases. Check the schedule for more details and times!

Demo Authoring Competition

No demo party is complete without the chance to write your own demos and submit them to be screened and voted on by the audience! We have several categories - check the compos page for more info.

Chiptune and Rave Demos Room

Enjoy bootlegs, remixes, and concert recordings of some of our favorite chiptune-style music and game soundtracks. Listen to some of the most famous artists in the scene and discover a few lesser-known ones too.

In the evenings, we'll switch over to a playlist of rave demos. Loud, flashy, and generally seizure-inducing, these are the demoscene's link to the techno/rave culture it grew up alongside. We can't usually play these on the main big screen, but you can come see them here!